Typology of focus groups respondents

Typology of Focus Group Respondents

When conducting focus groups, understanding the typology, i.e. the different personality stereotypes of respondents or participants is important. These different personalities and behaviors can greatly influence the dynamics of the discussion, and recognizing these types can help moderators manage the session more effectively. Here’s a look at some common types of participants you might encounter…

AI Prompts for Qualitative Research

With the advancements in artificial intelligence, qualitative researchers can enhance their productivity by integrating these tools into their workflow. This article explores how qualitative market researchers can apply GPT to assist with various tasks. Crafting the right questions is crutial when utilizing GPT to ensure optimal and meaningful results. The quality of responses is directly…

Qualitative Research Books

Our digest of the best books on qualitative research. Qualitative research in general 📗 An Introduction to Qualitative Research (7th edition) By Uwe Flick | SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023; Formats: ebook to buy/rent, paperback, hardcover Google Preview, Book website 632 pages; Foundations of qualitative research; Research design; Verbal data; Data beyond talk; Qualitative data analysis;…

Personal information removal

Quallie offers an easy tool to remove respondent’s personal information from the platform. With this feature, you can anonymize the study after you finish the data collection phase. During your study, various personal data is being processed, for example: To protect the privacy of participants, you should anonymize or delete personal data as soon as…

How to send invitations

Every respondent has his unique invitation link consisting of a project ID and invitation code. You can find the invitation code in the table of respondents: Manual invitations If you prefer to send invitations manually, you can copy the link and paste it into an email and send it to the respondent from your mailbox….