Notifications are automated emails sent by the platform to respondents to increase their engagement. They include the digest of recent events in the project.

Notifications are not bulk emails, they are created individually for each respondent.

How to enable notifications

Notifications are disabled by default in a new project. You can enable them in the project settings by switching the ‘Send email notifications’ dropdown to Yes. Then, adjust the notifications settings:

  • From name: add your name or company, for example Alex from MyCompany.
  • From email: add your email. The sender will be to comply with the anti-spam filters and ensure smooth delivery, however if recipients click the reply button, your email will be set as a recipient (the Reply-To address).
  • Email subject: add the email title, for example Notification – recent events from …
  • Intro text: this text will be added as a first paragraph of the email body. You can use the {display_name} tag to personalize the greeting. It will be replaced by the respondent’s display name during the sending.
    Example: Hello {display_name}, we are sending you a selection of recent events in our study.
  • Outro text: this text will be appended to the end of each notification. You can add additional information, contacts, or your address. We recommend adding a link {here} that will be replaced by the link to respondent’s notification preferences / unsubscribe.
    Example: This email was sent to you because you are participating in our research study. You can change your notification preferences or unsubscribe {here}. If you have received this message without being aware of your participation in the project, please contact us.
  • Frequency: You can add up to 14 different date+time slots combinations, for example Every day at 10:00. The emails are being sent in smaller batches to avoid problems with anti-spam fiters, so some emails may arrive later than other.

The notification reflect the project language (the Show more link, unsubscribe link, and other phrases),